Η ομάδα του ΚΕΕΠΗ βρέθηκε στο εργαστήριο φυσιολογίας Ιατρικής Ιωαννίνων

July 12, 2021 Uncategorized Visit to the Department of Medicine of the University of Ioannina Share Visit to the Department of Medicine of the University of Ioannina The team of the Epirus XR Center was at the physiology laboratory of the Ioannina Medical School to discuss current projects that concern our research activity and ways […]

May 7, 2021 Uncategorized AN IMMERSIVE VIRTUAL REALITY CENTRE IN EPIRUS Share Interview with the Scientific Manager of the project Mr. Euripides Glavas and Mr. Alexandros Tzallas from Epirus Tv1 The XR Center project aims to create a modern, open interactive centre and the operation of a flexible multi-purpose immersive mixed reality (virtual and augmented […]

May 6, 2021 Uncategorized Opening Meeting of the “XR Center” Share Model Centre for Immersive Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality of Epirus Region On Tuesday 27/04/2021, the Inaugural Meeting (teleconference) of the project KEEPI, fully titled “Model Centre for Immersive Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality of Epirus Region”, took place, with the main purpose of […]