Press Release XR Center as a Certification Centre for Resuscitators and Basic Life Support Trainers

Press Release - The Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Centre as a Certification Centre for Resuscitators and Basic Life Support Trainers
The Center for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality of Epirus (CEEPI) of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Ioannina announces the continuation of its cooperation with the non-profit organization Kids Save Lives (KSL), which aims to train and certify resuscitators and trainers in the field of Basic Life Support (BLS | BIC, ERC).
The partnership provides for hosting, resources and equipment, as well as technical support to conduct Kids Save Lives’ training activities, which focus on the promotion of first aid and safe behaviour in emergency situations.
The trainings will have a dual character, focusing on enhancing first aid knowledge on the one hand and familiarising participants with relevant technologies on the other. During each training, informative and educational presentations on the latest developments in the field of new technologies will take place in the interactive training environment provided by the Centre’s virtual reality cave. As part of the trainings, technological applications developed to date in collaboration with KSL, such as the successful iSAVElives mobile device application, will also be presented.
The First Certification will take place on 4/2/2024.