Participation of the Epirus XR Center in the 8th Panhellenic Exhibition of Arta

Participation of the Epirus XR Center in the 8th Panhellenic Exhibition of Arta
From 27 September to 3 October 2022, members of the research laboratories of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Ioannina, attended the Artas Exhibition Centre “Kostas Vayas”, in the framework of the 8th National Exhibition of Arta.
Among the Laboratories that participated and through the Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCI Lab), the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Center of Epirus (XR CENTER) made its presentation to the visitors of the region.
During the Panhellenic Exhibition, presentations of the projects undertaken by each laboratory were held, while the XR Center had a special invitation to present its work and actions and gave the participants the opportunity to test the original applications it has implemented through its modern equipment.