The cooperation of KEEPI with KIDS SAVE LIVES continues for the second consecutive year – BLS Center for Certification of Recruiters and Trainers

The cooperation of KEEPI with KIDS SAVE LIVES continues for the second consecutive year - BLS Center for Certification of Recruiters and Trainers
On October 24, 2024, in Arta, at the Epirus Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Center – EPIRUSXRCENTER, the continuation of the cooperation between the humanitarian organization KIDS SAVE LIVES – Children Save Lives and the Model Center for Immersive Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality of Epirus Region (KEEPI) was formalized.
Mr. Euripides Glavas, Scientific Officer of KEEPI, and the representatives of KIDS SAVE LIVES signed an agreement for the continuation of KEEPI as a Center for Certification of Resuscitators and Basic Life Support (BLS | BIC) Trainers according to the standards of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).
The successful course of cooperation during the past year has made the CEEPI one of the most active and innovative training centres in the Region of Epirus, with emphasis on the dissemination of resuscitation skills through modern technologies. With the help of EPIRUSXRCENTER, education is made more accessible and engaging, harnessing the power of virtual and augmented reality.
The renewal of this partnership underscores the commitment of both agencies to promote resuscitation education and raise awareness of life-saving issues in the local community, enhancing public health and safety at the District and school community level.