Visit of an elementary school to the Epirus XR Center

Visit of an elementary school to the Epirus XR Center
On December 2, 2022, part of the Primary School of Agios Spyridon of Arta visited the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Ioannina, based in Arta.
The 60 students of the school, with their accompanying teachers, visited the Epirus XR Center and the Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCI Lab).
A presentation of the HCI Lab’s premises was given, both on a practical and theoretical level. While the students had the opportunity to try out the applications built by the members of the HCI Lab for this purpose.
Afterwards, a tour of the Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCI Lab) was conducted. The students were informed with special attention about the equipment of the lab, which included: the NanoZoomer S210 Digital slide scanner, ZMorph VX 3D Printer, EEG Headset – Muse, Oculus Quest 2 etc. While then they tested application simulations using EEG Headset – Muse as well as virtual reality scenarios using Oculus Quest 2 devices.
In both cases, teachers and students were very enthusiastic.